Home 9 Firm News 9 Types of assault charges in Texas

Types of assault charges in Texas

Jun 9, 2020 | Firm News

Texas will charge an individual with assault if he or she injures or threatens to injure another person recklessly, knowingly or intentionally. In addition, assault charges can result from provocative or offensive physical contact with another individual. 

If you or a family member is facing Texas assault charges, learn about the penalties for various types of convictions. 

Misdemeanor assault charges 

Threats of bodily harm and offensive or provocative physical contact constitute Class C misdemeanor charges in Texas. This crime carries a fine of up to $500. 

When an assault occurs against a sports player during a game, the state imposes Class B misdemeanor charges. A conviction can result in a fine of up to $2,000 and up to 180 days in jail. 

Class A misdemeanor occurs in the case of bodily injury with no aggravating factors. The court can also use this charge for offensive or provocative contact with an elderly person. The court can order a fine of up to $4,000 and up to a year in jail for a conviction. 

Felony assault charges 

Assault against certain individuals results in felony charges. Texas categorizes assault as a third-degree felony that carries up to 10 years in prison when the offender knows the victim is: 

  • An emergency services first responder on duty 
  • A security officer on duty 
  • A government worker providing official family services 
  • A family member or romantic partner if the offense involved choking or if the offender had a previous domestic violence conviction 
  • A public servant on official duty 

Second-degree felony charges apply to an assault on a peace officer or judge while on official duty or in retaliation or on account of them acting in their official capacity as a peace officer or judge. A conviction carries at least two and up to 20 years in prison. 

The law requires first-degree felony charges in the case of aggravated assault against a romantic partner, informant, witness, security guard, police officer or public official. Texas defines aggravated assault as an attack causing serious injury or involving a deadly weapon. A first-degree felony can result in a minimum of five years up to life in prison.