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Criminal Defense

What Adderall does and does not do

Adderall is a stimulant drug used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It works by regulating the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which people with ADHD do not produce in sufficient quantities. Abuse of Adderall is common among...

How do I tell an employer I’m a felon?

Once you have a criminal conviction, it can complicate many areas of your life. Employment is often an area in which you will have problems. Employers have the legal right to check your criminal background, and many of them will do so. This makes it incredibly...

First-time criminal charges: Why you need an attorney

Facing criminal charges is stressful, especially if you are a first-time offender. You may think hiring a criminal defense attorney is not worth the expense. However, a defense lawyer knows the ins and outs of the judicial system and may be able to help you avoid...

The penalties for underage drinking In Texas

If you attend college, you could encounter many challenges. Some students accused of wrongdoing face harsh consequences, whether a fight breaks out or they face charges due to possessing unlawful substances. In fact, underage drinking is widespread on college campuses...

What is a controlled drug?

Certain drugs have a higher risk of misuse and addiction than others. These drugs also tend to incur harsher punishments due to their harm potential.   According to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, the distribution of controlled drugs is tightly managed to prevent...

How does caffeine affect alcohol consumption?

When it comes to drinking, you probably have heard a lot of different myths. You may have even heard about how caffeine impacts alcohol consumption. According to Healthline, you can consume alcohol and caffeine together, but you may need to be careful. Can caffeine...

A search warrant may lead to a student investigation

College students residing on campus may exercise their legal right to see a search warrant before allowing a law enforcement official to enter their dorm rooms. An officer generally may not search individuals or their private property without first presenting a...