Home 9 Criminal Defense

An Aggressive Criminal Defense That Knows The Offense

Any kind of criminal charges threatens you with lifelong consequences. Here in Texas, criminal charges can penalize you with large fines, extensive prison time, and a ruined reputation. Prosecutors will often fight ruthlessly to convict you, and it takes an even more ruthless defense attorney to be able to fight for you.

At the Law Office of Alejandro Martinez, PLLC, attorney Martinez is a former prosecutor for Dallas City Attorney’s Office and Williamson County Attorney’s Office who has since become an aggressive defense attorney. He understands the criminal justice system and wants to help you fight for justice. When you’re facing trouble, Alejandro Martinez can help.

A Skilled Defense You Can Count On

A lawyer that was a prosecutor gains a special insight into how to defend against the tactics a prosecutor might use. At the Law Office of Alejandro Martinez, PLLC, experience allows us to be your investigator, negotiator and litigator, all while keeping your best interests at heart along the way. We know that every client comes with a unique situation in their case, which is why a good attorney will know not to treat their client like every other client.

Attorney Martinez doesn’t shy away from any type of criminal charges, and is ready to help your case in:

While these cases come with the standard consequences, first-time offenders have even more at stake, as having a blight on your record will only hinder you going forward. Having crimes on your record can make it harder to gain employment, and even banks can run a background check if you are applying for a loan or mortgage.

Facing Trouble? Alejandro Martinez Can Help.

If you are facing criminal charges, or if you think you are going to be charged with a crime, get a lawyer right away. You can contact our Austin office by calling 512-523-5927 or emailing us.

The Law Office of Alejandro Martinez, PLLC strives to offer exceptional service at an affordable cost. Do not waste another moment — contact us to schedule your free initial consultation today.